Book 2 - ESSENCEISM 2 - “We are from this world”Cover Essenceism 2_We are from this world


Table of contents

“We are from this world”

Introduction - Theories of Essenceism     >>>  see the text below the table of contents

Part 1 - Ideas of essenceism towards God 

Chapter 1. The need to change knowledge about God in XXI c.  < link to ch: 1, 2, 3, 4

Chapter 2. The special idea of the Original Being  << common link to chapters: 1 , 2 , 3, 4

Chapter 3. Understanding God’s presence    <<< common link to chapters: 1 , 2 , 3, 4

Chapter 4. Important issues of knowledge about God  < common link to chapters: 1,2,3,4

Chapter 5. Personal proposal about vision of God  <<< common link to chapters: 5 , 6 , 7

Chapter 6. Is there no God among us   <<< common link to chapters: 5 , 6 , 7

Chapter 7. The Heart of God    <<< common link to chapters: 5 , 6 , 7

Part 2 - Ideas of essenceism towards philosophy

§. Essenceism presents its ideas  <<< see below

Chapter 8. The general idea of beings in essenceism - ontology  < link to ch: 8,9,10,11,12

Charter 9. The idea of cognition the truth in essenceism - epistemology  <  8,9,10,11,12

Chapter 10. The idea of ​​shaping values ​​in essenceism - axiology  < to chap: 8,9,10,11,12

Chapter 11. The idea of ​​morality in essenceism - ethic  < com. link to chap: 8,9,10,11,12

Chapter 12. The idea of ​​reasoning in essenceism - logic  < com. link to chap: 8,9,10,11,12

Chapter 13. The idea of ​​beauty related with love - aesthetics  << link to chapters: 13 , 14

Chapter 14. The idea of ​​human origin in essenceism - anthropology  << to chap: 13,14

Chapter 15. The idea of ​​nature in essenceism  - All-creation  < com. link to chap: 15,16,17,18

Chapter 16. The idea of knowledge acquisition in essenceism - methodology                                            <<< com. link to chap: 15,16,17,18

Chapter 17. The idea of ​​the origin and existence of religion - philosophy of religion                                <<< commmon link to chapters: 15, 16, 17, 18

Chapter 18. Essenceism towards idealism and materialism < com. link to chap: 15,16,17,18

Part 3 - Ideas of essenceism towards religion

§. Essenceism analyzes religious concepts   <<< see below

Chapter 19. The Idea of ​​the Original Being's Heart   << com. link to chapters: 19, 20, 21, 22

Chapter 20. The Idea of ​​God's Laws    << common link to chapters: 19, 20 , 21 , 22

Chapter 21. The idea of ​​the eternal existence of good    << com. link to ch: 19, 20, 21, 22

Chapter 22. The idea of the existence of personal evil    << com. link to ch: 19, 20, 21, 22

Chapter 23. The idea of the function of free will  <<< common link to chapters: 23, 24, 25

Chapter 24. The Idea of Divine Providence    <<< common link to chapters: 23, 24, 25

Chapter 25. The idea of responsibility for the world   << common link to chapters: 23, 24, 25

Chapter 26. The Idea of Divine Mercy and Justice  << common link to chapters: 26, 27

Chapter 27. The idea of ​​salvation and the concept of the Savior   < link to chapters 26, 27

Chapter 28. The idea of ​​understanding reincarnation   << common link to chapters: 28, 29

Chapter 29. The idea of ​​duality according to essenceism  << common link to chapters 28, 29

Chapter 30. The idea of ​​the end of the world  <<< common link to chapters: 30 , 31 , 32 , 33

Chapter 31. The idea of a perfect world   <<< common link to chapters: 30 , 31 , 32 , 33

Chapter 32. The idea of one big human family   <<< common link to chapters: 30 , 31 , 32 , 33


Part 4 - Ideas of essenceism towards man

Chapter 33. Who is man  <<< common link to chapters: 30 , 31 , 32 , 33

Chapter 34. Perfection of man   <<< common link to chapters: 34 , 35

Chapter 35. Man towards God    <<< common link to chapters: 34 , 35

Chapter 36. Original nature in man    <<< common link to chapters: 36 , 37 , 38 , 39

Chapter 37. Fallen nature in man    <<< common link to chapters: 36 , 37 , 38 , 39

Chapter 38. Where and how should a man live?  <<< common link to chapters: 36 , 37 , 38 , 39

Chapter 39. Man in the next life   <<< common link to chapters: 36 , 37 , 38 , 39

Summary of the ideas resulted from essenceism  >>> see the ”Contact - Result” menu

Motto of essenceism -  “God does not know evil”    >>> see the ”Motto” menu of this website



(to the second part of essenceism)

Theories of essenceism

In the first book, essenceism was presented as an analytical system to investigate the existence of the Original Being. The assumption about the possibility of such existence entailed the need to prepare a number of tools to show by scientific methods who God is, what He is and where He is. Because this is a topic where science has very little experience, it was necessary to build a logical thought sequence based on the intuition resulting from past human experience. This led to the determination of the necessary attributes of the Original Being.

My imagination certainly helped in this, caused by many years of searching for answers to many burning questions on this subject. As a result, the basic principles of essenceism were set out, which I guided when analyzing phenomena that could not be found in direct scientific evidence.

In the second book presenting essenceism, with the help of research tools proven in the first book, I started to evaluate philosophy and religion, which have been dealing with the problems that essenceism is studying for centuries. Further analyzes were created presenting the ideas of essenceism towards the main branches of philosophy and religion. This gave a more complete picture of this system, which aims to make humanity aware of the most objective truth about who God is, who is man and what the universe is.

As a reminder, I present the conclusions from the first part of "Essenceism":

= If God exists, then He should be a perfect Causative Being, or First Cause, or in other words, the Causative First Beginning. In essence, I called Him the Original Being.

= If God exists, it must be eternal, absolute, perfect and good, and exist independently of the limitations of any space-time, i.e., exist outside of time and space.

= Just because God is absolute means being independent of nothing and from anyone. That it is perfect means the maximum and final dimension of what He does. His works do not require improvement or modification to make them even more perfect, because their condition is completed in every respect. The fact that God is eternal means that he was, is and always will be. Just because He's good means He doesn't know evil.

= The act of creation of the universe made by God is the act of calling to the existence of time and space, or space-time.

= The spiritual side of God is His Personality or God's Spirit. It fills the whole sphere beyond time and space. This Personality is created by Intelligence, Will and Emotionality centered in His Heart, and felt by people as laws and principles.

= The Physical Side of God is constituted by the various states of praenergy that make up the First Cause Energy.


Ideas of Essenceism towards philosophy

Essenceism does not claim the right to create full philosophical theories. Instead, it speaks in the form of ideas on topics that most often deal with philosophy. Here are these ideas:

= particular idea of the Original Being (ontology)

= general idea of being (ontology)

= idea of knowing the truth (epistemology)

= idea of value creation (axiology)

= idea of morality (ethics)

= idea of proper reasoning (logic)

= idea of beauty in connection with love (aesthetics)

= the idea of nature – the all things (ontology)

= idea of human origin (anthropology)

= idea of acquiring knowledge (methodology)

= idea of the existence of religion (philosophy of religion)

= Essenceism towards idealism and materialism.

Ideas of essenceism towards religion

The history of religion, especially those from the Middle East, is the story of turning around the biblical statement that God created man in His image and likeness. From this arose a reverse vision of God created in the image and likeness of man, or the imaginary God.

Long ago Judaism "shaped" God for their tribal needs and made Him Yahweh - an imaginary God of Judaism existing to this day.

Then the Christians, in their own way understanding the teaching and explanations of Jesus Christ, modified the "Jewish" God to their "Christian" imaginary God.

Then Islam further modified its tribal needs for God and made Him Allah - an "Islamic" imaginary God.

Essenceism speaks in the following ideas that theology deals with. Here are the ideas:

= idea of the Heart of the Original Being (ontology aspect)

= the idea of God's Laws (epistemology aspect)

= the idea of the existence of good (axiology aspect)

= the idea of personal evil (axiology aspect)

= the idea of free will (ethical aspect)

= the idea of God’s Providence (methodology aspect)

= the idea of responsibility (logic aspect)

= the idea of the Divine Mercy (ethical aspect)

= idea of salvation (methodology aspect)

= the idea of reincarnation (methodology aspect)

= the idea of duality (philosophy of religion aspect)

= idea of a perfect world (philosophy of religion)

= the idea of the end of the world (epistemology aspect).




Essenceism -


"Essenceism 1 - God is not from this world" (scientific understanding of God)

"Essenceism 2 - We are from this world" (understanding of man towards God)

"Essenceism 3 - Evil is from this world" (understaning of evil)

"Essenceism 4 – Vision not from this world" (understanding of salvation)

"Essenceism 5 – Eternity is not from this world"(understanding of eternity)

Autor Essenceizm

analytical system of understanding the existence of God, the spiritual world and man's eternity

Author - Janusz Mazur