Motto of the Essenceism:

Idea of God who does not know evil

(Contradiction between the fact that God is good, and the existence of evil)



The scientist, while studying the topic marked in the title, should keep his research methods, despite the fact that he deals with a problem for which science has practically no research tools. However, at least he should focus on the questions that are typical for himself, which is used by science: Who?, What?, how?, How?, avoiding engaging in question: What for? Exceptionally, he may try to answer the question: Why?, although the attempt to answer them will make him become a philosopher.

At the same time, the researcher investigating the case should not automatically accept "church" terminology for such important concepts as God, man, soul, angel or Satan. Religions most often use dogma in the records in their doctrines of faith or in the interpretation of their holy books for centuries. In the meantime, a scientist does not have to make such assumptions as religion does. He cannot, like the people of faith, grope in the subject he studied. For the coherence of the entirety of knowledge about the universe, he is rather obliged to use in subsequent studies the latest achievements of his colleagues.

Therefore, I should objectively define the basic concepts, especially such as God, man, good or evil. At the same time, I will try to determine the absolute state of reference for this research, i.e. the real fact of the existence of the True Original Being.

1. General terms

1.1 God – Original Being

Under the concept of True God, I understand the object of my analysis. I will call that God the Original Being later in this study. I am introducing the term Original Being in order to make it as scientifically as possible to objectively examine the possibility of the First Cause or Creator of All Things. I will not refer to various "gods" shaped by the theologies of many denominations that have arisen over the centuries.  The True God analyzed here is not Zeus, Demiurge, Osiris, Ormuzd, the Great Manitou, Yahweh, Allah or God the Father.

Of course, on the later pages of this text I will use the word "God" many times to describe the Original Being. Exceptionally, when analyzing biblical texts, I will use the term Heavenly Father in meaning of "biblical" God.

You do not need the Bible, the Koran, or any other holy book to understand the Original Being. His existence and attributes result from the cosmos that surrounds us. After a deep analysis of the space-time of the universe and the "space" beyond it, i.e. the sphere beyond time and space, I came to the conclusion that such a Being is a necessity. It forced me to very careful analysis of theoretical astrophysics, classical physics, quantum physics and many other sciences, including, of course, biology. All this were to find facts of the necessity of the First Cause of All Things.

The original Being is a Being existing from retrograde infinity, that is, always. In the development of this definition, it should be added that the Original Being which we connect with eternity exists both now and in infinite future. This, of course, cannot be proved. This is for the moment the starting condition, which I assume as an assumption. It results from the intuitive understanding of God as the Initial Necessity.  This assumption will be constantly checked. Every valid statement in this elaboration is subject to verification using the phrase: "if such a Original Being exists, then ...". The result of this verification will depend on the final result of this study.

It should be added that the Original Being should be the Efficient First Cause, because this is the primary reason why we are even wondering about His existence.

Of course, if such a Being exists, then it must be the Absolute, Perfect and Eternal and be associated with the source of absolute Good.

The absoluteness of this Being means that He is independent of anything and no one. Therefore, He is an "unconditional" Being, also independent of our opinion about Him.

That the Original Being is perfect means that it is His maximum and final state, and also the ultimate dimension of what He does. In practice, it should be understood that His works do not require improvement or modification to become even more perfect.  Their condition is "refined" in every respect.

To complete these definitions, it should be added that the Original Being, which I also refer to as the source of all things, is the foundation of morality felt as the existence of only good.

Therefore, if we take God seriously as the First Cause of All Things, then in the examination of everything that surrounds us, we should take into account the above-mentioned attributes.  He should be a Being creating only goodness, beauty and love, and be a source of perfect wisdom and omniscience. The Bible emphasizes that after each day of creation the Creator stated that he created good. From this follows the logical conclusion that if God had created the universe with the above attributes, then there could be no place in it for something like evil.

1. 2. Man - eternal being

Based on the observation of the evolving human civilization, one should assume that man is not an animal.  In that case, it is worth considering its similarity to the Original Being. One should also take into account the fact that man is the only entity known to us for the time being who assesses the attributes of the Original Being, treating some of them as "his".

How, then, to describe a man?

When we talk to another person, we do not talk with the elements of his body, but with "someone who is inside".

Therefore, human beings should be described as being the integration of a physical person and a spiritual person. The former is a body endowed with senses and instincts, a bit reminiscent of animal senses. In the meantime, the spiritual person is a being that I will judge in relation to the Original Being. It replaces the concept of the soul in my analysis. I claim that it emerges from the Original Being as a newborn emerges from the mother's womb. This is referred to in the Bible as the "breath of the Creator" causing the first man to become a living being. This can be interpreted as the transfer of the eternal part of the Creator Personality to man. Therefore, the birth of a spiritual person is not the result of fertilization, as is the case in the case of physical conception in the womb of a woman.

In this case the spiritual person is shaped from the first moments in Original Being, that is, from His Energy called the Energy of the First Cause. When a newborn leaves the mother's womb, it is implanted in the biological organism as a new personality emerged from Personality of the Creator. He is transmitting in it a part of Himself. Thanks to this we can talk about eternity contained in man. Then we go further through life, we reach a state when our physical body is old and unnecessary, and then we throw off this carnal shell. From that moment on, we already live as a proper spiritual man. Therefore, we are an invisible being living eternally in the world beyond the time and space that religion calls the spiritual world. In this way, I define a human being as an eternal being from the moment of birth.

2. Preliminary analysis of biblical records

In the Garden of Eden, the "biblical" God - the Heavenly Father asks: "Where are you, Adam?" (Gen 3,9).  Was Adam lost somewhere in the recesses of this Garden? Apparently something like that happened that they stopped seeing. The creator should be omniscient in all of His omnipotence, so it is not simply getting lost. Adam seems to have fallen beyond the framework of the then world, whose image was the Garden of Eden. He ceased to be "visible" because he found himself in the realm of an evil, unknown Creator. There is also no specific information that Adam has found himself, that is to say, whether he remained in the sphere subordinate to Heavenly Father. There was, however, an exchange of opinions between them, but it only confirmed the fact that the Creator's control over man was lost. This was the first signal of the appearance of evil, a condition that has nothing to do with God. His children lost contact with him. They only had to communicate with the words "at a distance", that is, prayer, because they were no longer together with their Heavenly Father. Thus, the first people left symbolically east of Eden, which is where one lives in the unknown world of their creator. With later biblical records, especially in    based on the words of Jesus Christ, it follows that from now on they had a new god, other than before. The world's major religions call him Satan.

If the Creator knew evil, then by creating a man in His image, he would also transfer knowledge about evil for a man. It would mean that the first people would know evil from their birth. However, it was not. The biblical text shows that they were completely "pure" and innocent. The creator could have known about the possibility of temporally creating something other than Him, something that is the absolute and only exception in His omniscience. The period of growth to perfection is a time in which man is not under the direct control of God, but only under the action of His principles and laws, that is, under the protection of His Providence. This confirms the content of the Creator's statement that despite the possibility of "eating fruit" from the infinite number of "trees of this Garden", however, there is such a unique "tree" from which one cannot "eat" (Genesis 3, 2-5). This is also confirmed by the appearance of death, which threatened after this "ingestion". Spiritual life is eternal because it comes from the eternal Creator. Once given, it is always there. One cannot literally die spiritually, although one can find himself able to separate himself from God, beyond his omnipotence, beyond his reality. Thus, the death described in the Bible, as a result of the "consumption of the fruit" from the so-called tree of knowledge of good and evil, means finding oneself beyond the proper life coming from God.  Actually, it means a transition to another reality, the author of which was not God and in which He was no longer a Father to people. The biblical statement was about death, which is the entrance to the specific sphere of death, to the peculiarity being the only unique place where God does not exist. So in the warning of Heavenly Father was not about simple physical death, because Adam and Eve lived very long after leaving the Garden of Eden. It was about the possibility of "disappearing" from the sphere in which God exists. The introduction of this unique situation first of all affected the first people, because at the moment of their spiritual death, the world prepared by the Creator "died" for them. Thus evil is a state inconsistent with the sense of existence of both the Creator and the original concept of human existence.

3. "Religious" definitions of good and evil

On the following pages of this text I will explain in more detail how the evil arose.  Now, for the sake of clarity, I enclose only short definitions of good and evil (usually "religious").

a) in the sense of activity - good is the action and result of action in accordance with the Will of God, and evil is action and the result of an action incompatible with the Will of God.

b) in the sense of the state - good means the Kingdom of Heaven, that is, the world under God's control, and evil the hell, or the world under Satan's rule.

c) in the sense of personification - good is embodied into the Creator and evil in the form of Satan.

d) in the sense of existence - good is a peculiarity that lasts forever, that is, infinity, and evil is transitory and will be liquidated sometime.

e) in the sense of current reality - good is what should always be, and evil what should not be.

4. The more complete analysis of the appearance of evil

It is worth re-examining the fact why the True God does not know evil.

First, because He did not create it. If evil came from God, it would be part of His Personality;  it would be eternal, unchangeable. And it is not. The evil was initiated by Lucifer, Adam and Eve, and all people inherited it from them. Jesus Christ knew them, of course, and we know them well today, but God does not know it.

Secondly, the absolutely good and perfect Original Being from the very foundation can have nothing to do with evil, neither before the creation of man, nor after its creation.  For Him, evil is a nothingness that is beyond Him. This is a sphere beyond His existence and action. This sphere is called hell, in which, according to the assertion of Jesus Christ, the "god of this world" rules, or Satan.  One can, therefore, call our civilization a hell, because this is what the environment under Satan's control is called.

I would like to add that the above theorem seriously changes the typical image of the omniscient Creator. To understand this situation, I will use an example of communication between the transmitter and the receiver.  Namely, it is about the operation of the receiver, which, although it receives signals from the transmitter on all possible frequencies, however, there was a frequency so unusual and unique that it cannot be picked up. This means that a certain signal from the transmitter was created on a completely different basis from those according to which the receiver was built.

This may also be the case in the case of evil, which arose completely outside the law and principles existing in the Personality of the Creator. Therefore, it could not reach Him as a recognizable phenomenon. Therefore, the Creator does not receive it and does not know it. As I wrote above, only the fact of His children's non-appearance and waiting for their return came to Him. In beyond the time and space sphere this expectation is not felt as the passage of time.

Based on the attributes of the Original Being described in this study, the shortest possible definition of evil is what is a new, alien reality, or "cancer". In this explanation, the point is not to weaken the Omniscience of God and His position as the Only Creator.  If God foresaw evil, then evil would be known to Him, and thus would be part of His Consciousness.  However, it was not.  Evil is not a mere quality or phenomenon, as there is much in the universe.  It is an absolute exception existing outside of the original universe. It is a kind of anti-reality, or a peculiarity that is absolutely beyond God and impossible to appear in His Personality. As it was described at the beginning of this study, man receives a "pure" spiritual person at his birth. It is only later that he is infected by the fallen nature inherited from her parents living in a world subordinate to Satan, or a bad nature derived from the "wrong father" of humanity. It is this fallen nature that "taught" us a picture of God, in which He is burdened with the knowledge of evil. In this way, we subconsciously accept the point of view of Satan, which is one of the basic features of fallen nature.

Fallen nature is a theological concept and should therefore be explained "religiously". At first glance, it manifests itself in the lack of direct contact with God, the inability to evaluate reality from the point of view of God, the inability to see the action of His primeval rights and principles, as well as the failure to complete the proper course of life assigned to man. It seems that it has its roots in the process of falling in Garden of Eden. Then Satan became the "father" of humanity. All his intentions, thoughts and ways of action, created in him during the fall from the state of good Archangel Lucifer to the condition of an evil being called Satan, have moved on to people. They became his heirs in the new evil kingdom called hell. The fallen nature embodied in the personality of Satan was inherited by all the spiritual persons of the people coming into the world in fallen world. It functions alongside our original nature, inherited originally from the Creator. Unfortunately, the original one did not develop enough and was drowned out by this fallen one. Religions call what happened in the Garden of Eden, the original sin, and unanimously express the conviction that this sin is inherited by all people, regardless of our will. We are just born with this stigma, which constantly manifests itself in the form of a fallen nature. Both original sin and fallen nature cannot be simply removed from human beings. Therefore, humanity needs salvation, which in a nutshell is a process opposite to the process of the first fall of people. Practically fallen nature comes from the acceptance of the lie of the "serpent" from the Garden of Eden, in which he proclaims that the Creator knows both good and evil.

Evil arose in the Adam-Eve-Lucifer triangle due to a change in the direction of love. Then a situation emerged that was incompatible with God's laws, that is, untruth, and more bluntly, lies. This lie told by Lucifer built the basis for the establishment of evil. It was like this. The truth from the Creator concerned the fact that the consumption of the "fruit" will cause death: "... you cannot eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, because when you eat it, you will surely die" (Genesis 2: 16-17). And that's what happened.  As a result of the fall, Adam and Eve died, of course only for God, but for Him it was tantamount to the full death of a man.  Lucifer defied God's truth from his words. "You will not die!  But God knows that when you eat the fruit of this tree, your eyes will open and, just as God will know good and evil "(Genesis 3: 5-6). In this Lucifer statement, there are actually two lies: the first one that they will not die and the second one that God knows both good and evil. This second lie is so pronounced that few are aware of its enormity and consequences. Almost all Christianity recognized that Lucifer was telling the truth, claiming that God knows evil. Meanwhile, Jesus had a clear opinion about Satan's statement: "From the beginning he was the assassin and he has not persevered in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks from himself, for he is a liar and the father of lies "(J 8, 44). That is why on many pages of this study I show that God does not know evil, and he cannot know it.  Of course, Satan would want people to say that God knows evil and that his lie would become a common truth. That it would not be so, it is worth trusting the opinion of Jesus himself instead of "accusing” God of engaging in evil and its consequences.

To examine the existence of evil, I analyzed not only the Bible, but also the Koran, read the study of the books of the Vedas, looked through Tipitaka and a number of other recognized religious books, including even the Uranti Book. I realized that in these books evil is treated as a foreignness, like something unwanted in the existing world. Sometimes evil was treated as our false image of reality or just our invention.  In the vast majority of these books evil came from some rebellious being who listened to people.  Only in a few cases did it appear in the Personality of God, but these descriptions can still be treated as the human feeling that appeared in the result of inherited fallen nature from the creator of evil.

However, from all the books describing the origin of evil, I put the Bible in the first place.  Bible speaks at a symbolic way with many events. The authors of the Bible, by creating its texts, already knew evil and they had to explain its existence somehow.  In nature there is no tree of knowledge of good and evil, so it is a symbol of some phenomenon, state or even existence. It may, for example, symbolize the state of one's imperfections, in this case Eve. It existence may also indirectly suggest that God gives people knowledge about their responsibility for their lives. Knowing that people growing up in the Garden can make decisions independent of Him, he warns them about "getting lost" and does so in the form of a ban on the consumption of "fruit". No wonder that after this "ingestion" people got lost somewhere to God and it is not without reason that he asks the famous question: "Where are you, Adam?".

Like this the sphere outside of the God’s reality was established, it means our fallen world.

For this reason, the Creator cannot interfere in our evil civilization, called hell. It is simply anti-divine. It is not difficult to answer the question why God does not interfere with evil? The answer comes naturally. God can not interfere with something that he did not create, because otherwise He would take responsibility for the fall of man and for the present world that he never had in his plans. If the perfect Original Being had joined the imperfect state of the situation, it would give it a status of perfection and this is contrary to His Principles. God does not know our fallen world and does not analyze it. In the direct sense, He is not a participant in our civilization.  We have entered the evil zone, and the Creator has lost sight of us for some time and is still waiting for us.

Of course, there is a thin thread of communication between God and people. Its level can be compared to the level of communication between Heavenly Father and    Adam in the Garden of Eden. There, in his youth, before their fall, the first son of God and His first daughter Eve stayed together directly from God. Heavenly Father is unchanging.  He does not leave His children even when they have left Him. There is still a spiritual person in the man given to him by the Creator. Its character is our original nature, it means our original personality, or the place of God's immediate presence. This is His "breath" that we receive at birth. From that moment, an eternal bond, emotional connection with the Heavenly Father begins, which serves man in the coming to perfection. Unfortunately, this original bond is now only a thin thread of communication, because after the fall of Adam and Eve, it was not duly developed.  The original nature will be in us forever, no matter how people act. We feel it most often as an act of our conscience. It is our response to the fact of the permanent duration of His laws and principles being Divine Providence and the basis for the future Kingdom of Heaven. These laws exist actively and affect our will to "return" to our Creator. Many people sense God's Providence as a Love flowing to them, which evokes in them a constant faith and hope that we will be together with Heavenly Father in His Kingdom. Unfortunately, the level of our relationship with God cannot exceed the level that took place in Garden of Eden. The will of God invariably manifests itself in the constant desire to return to the lost Kingdom of Heaven, that is, the unflagging hope resulting from the existence of the original nature received from the Creator in us. This permanent desire can be read in in the words "Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done in earth ...".  In our world, the result of this kind of communication should be to work out the situation in which someone like Jesus Christ may appear.  Therefore, in this situation God waits for the positive results of the actions of people, angels and the Savior. For humanity, this time means a return in the reborn form of Adam and Eve to the original position that was lost in the Garden of Eden.

If God does not know evil, then one should ask how He feels the situation of people.  After all, He is the Creator of every human being by giving us a unique spiritual person at birth.  In His concept, each of us goes through physical life on Earth using this time to achieve personal maturity, or perfection intended for man. Meanwhile, we do not achieve this perfection, and in addition we inherit the "state of death" from the first ancestors of humanity. Leaving the physical sphere, we enter the spiritual sphere unadjusted to eternal life in a sphere beyond time and space. We are staying there blocked without the possibility of living in the Kingdom of Heaven, in which the Heavenly Father is waiting for us. Therefore, it must necessarily take place in the process of "salvation" understood as "repeated birth" made with the participation of "pure ancestors" of humanity, that is perfect Adam and perfect Eve.

Jesus Christ made a huge progress on the way of repairing the situation. His saving work should be described as Redemption. This means that at the expense of His physical life, as the Son of God, or Perfect Adam, He freed people from the realm of death, or from hell, and then enabled them to enter the sphere of life, in which they can begin their return to paradise. Paradise is the initial sphere of the Kingdom of Heaven, in which people, as it was the case in the case of Adam and Eve, can come to full maturity as children of God. Many people have already entered this place, actually their eternal spiritual persons. Thanks to Jesus, this process of renewal of humanity is still going on. Still, it is missing next to the Perfect Adam of the Perfect Eve. Her role in the ongoing process of salvation is fulfilled by the Holy Spirit - the alleged "partner", who is already acting only spiritually the Lord Jesus.

So God is still waiting for us.  In His Kingdom, time does not pass beyond time and space, while it is too little for us to achieve perfection.  For a sphere in which time does not pass, it does not matter if a man will reach perfection for 80 years, for 8,000 years or even 80,000 years.

5. Good and evil

Why do I say in such a decisive way that God does not know evil? Because I would like to draw attention to all those who see the problem differently. With for this reason, I still emphasize that evil is a peculiarity that exists completely outside of the Original Being, which as a cancer has entered the previously created universe, both physical and spiritual, and in practice only applies to us, our earthly civilization.

It seems that evil is a violation of God's principles and rights. This definition is not only about religion, but is used to generally define evil as a violation of established law and generally accepted moral principles. For example, breaking a constitution of a state is clearly referred to as evil. Therefore, people who break the law, whether moral, state or divine, are bad people and can be treated as criminals.

An example of an ordinary good is a hanging lamp on the ceiling and illuminating the room.  When it falls on our head, it can do evil. The chair should be used to sit, not to fall apart under a sitting person, hurting her. Therefore, one can say that good is what should or should be originally. Therefore, referring to the previous sentence, evil is what it should not be.

An excellent creator should create perfect things that reflect his skills. An excellent engineer takes into account the relevant laws of physics, creating a lamp that will never fall on our head. The accomplishment of such a creator should generate certainty that this will never happen. It will not be in the possibility that it will break off from the ceiling hook and will create a bad situation. Thus, the perfect Creator does not calculate "what if," because it would be contrary to His perfection. Therefore, it does not take into account its failure, i.e. the Creator's case of the creation of evil.

An exception is the situation when the Creator "programmatically" creates "something" imperfect, which he will not have control until the "something" reaches perfection.  Considering your "program", the Creator, as the perfect and considering all possibilities, will apply remedies in form of support for periodically immature, and created by Himself, or man. He will give him support, identify the only possible risk and wait for the man to reach a state of perfection. In this situation, He has no way of knowing what people have done, that is, evil.

The Creator bestows His universe with love, and most people. This love, which is a kind of driving force of life, leads everything to perfection, maintaining the original, good direction given to him by Him.  The Original Being is perfect and never changes its destiny. Someone who is created "in the image and likeness of God", being perfect like Him, should also not change its direction. Unfortunately, an imperfect being who is only on his way to perfection can possibly change the direction of love. Then evil appears, that is, the opposite of the established direction of love, a state incompatible with the concept of the world created by God.

6. What is the evil and what are it sources?

Evil is not some of our fantasies, but something definitely substantial, that is real and concrete.  I will analyze it even more accurately below, but now I have shown that evil in its nature is completely inconsistent with the original sense of human existence.

Most theologians, not only Christian ones, watch the causes of the fall of Adam and Eve in the fact of the existence of freedom in man and in the action of free will derived from it. They claim that God gave man a free will that he does not interfere in it. This means that in the Garden of Eden, God left man free choice between eating and not eating "the forbidden fruit". Because man chose to "eat the fruit" and showed disobedience to the prohibition of its consumption, it fell. Hence the conclusion that free will, or simply human freedom, led him to fall. This clearly goes against my claims that the cause of the fall was the ill-targeted power of love.  The whole argument concerning the circumstances in which Lucifer's lack of control of the desire for a higher level of love caused his fall, I included in the chapter “The beginning of evil” and on the study entitled "A touch of eternity". Below I will only provide the basic arguments explaining my point of view.

Freedom is a certain state of functioning, in other words a sphere in which a man realizing his free will moves. So it is not a force that can cause a fall. What speaks for the fact that freedom was not the cause of the fall?

First, freedom can only create a state of readiness to make a decision leading to a fall, but making this decision requires the action of force that is not in freedom.  For example, freedom can lead us to the edge of the abyss, but crossing its edge ends with freedom, because the force of gravity begins to pull a man into the abyss.

Second, the consumption of fruit by Adam and Eve was a conscious act. For God, as a caring Father, took care to explain to them the danger of the forbidden fruit. Since Adam and Eve knew that eating a fruit would bring them death, it meant committing something like suicide. That is to say, because the first people consciously made a decision against the deadly threat. Suicide is not committed, however, in a state of freedom, but in the absence of freedom, when there is no other way out of a difficult situation or no hope for any other solution.

Thirdly, since there was a type of suicide, it must have caused him a force greater than the force of life, and the only force greater than it is the power of love. I do not need to remind you how many suicides were the result of a disappointed love.

I would like to add further arguments to the defense of God, which oppose the claims that He subjected His children to trial or put them before a free choice resulting from their free will. It would look like a test of loyalty or obedience.

First, God does not test His work after creating it, because then it would mean that He is testing Himself. God is perfect and does not make mistakes, and only things that are in doubt are tested.

Second, Adam and Eve, after being created by God, were innocent and did not know evil, because they came out of the hand of a perfect God who does not know evil and did not create it. Such beings are not tested, because one would suspect evil, and this does not agree with Fatherhood and God's perfection.

Thirdly, God is All-knowing, so He does not use tests, because he would always know the results of each test in advance.

Fourthly, God, as a Loving Father, would not expose his children to a possible negative test result, the more so because this supposed test was "to death or life" ("... when you consume it, you will surely die" - Gen 2:17).  Every loving father always protects his children from the effects of any danger and does not subject them to death tests.


Finally, I will add one more remark. Many Christian theologians, explaining the fall of Adam and  Eve, claim that God gave man free will and therefore did not interfere in the temptation of Lucifer. The problem is that these same theologians, not remembering his translation of the situation in the Garden of Eden, claim that God intervenes in our fallen world, that is, influences our actions, and thus on our free will. These two statements cannot be reconciled with each other. Only a clear separation of God from evil explains the current state of the world.

These are arguments that should be taken into account when a superficial description of what happened at that time in the world created by God.




Essenceism -


"Essenceism 1 - God is not from this world" (scientific understanding of God)

"Essenceism 2 - We are from this world" (understanding of man towards God)

"Essenceism 3 - Evil is from this world" (understaning of evil)

"Essenceism 4 – Vision not from this world" (understanding of salvation)

"Essenceism 5 – Eternity is not from this world"(understanding of eternity)

Autor Essenceizm

analytical system of understanding the existence of God, the spiritual world and man's eternity

Author - Janusz Mazur