Chapter 1

Source arguments for eternity

First, the laws of physics, astrophysics and quantum mechanics discovered by scientists, which worked in space-time from the very first moments of the cosmos' existence and still work, had to come from somewhere. The same is true for the unimaginable amount of energy released when it occurs. Therefore, the aforementioned laws and primary energy, understood as the source state of ordinary and dark energy, should exist before the universe was created. This fact raises many unanswered questions for scientists. Meanwhile, the assumption that there is a realm beyond time and space that laws and energy come from can solve this problem. Its possible existence may indicate the source state of their origin, although it eludes scientific research instruments. My system shows that the First Cause must be present in it, that is, the Creator of the universe I am looking for. So the sphere beyond time and space must be eternal like Him.

Second, following the reasoning from the previous paragraph, it can be concluded that a possible perfect, absolute and eternal Creator must be outside the space-time system of the universe. The structure of the cosmos is in the development phase, i.e. it is unstable and far from perfect. Therefore, it cannot be considered a completed form of perfect First Cause activity. Therefore, the Creator must be outside this system, that is, outside the current state of the universe, as if outside it. At the same time, the only possible "place" of existence of the Creator you are looking for should be a state beyond time and space. I have checked this possibility many times and I am sure that His existence is a fundamental necessity for everything that exists around us. This applies not only to the universe, but also to ourselves. Having no other alternative, I had to conclude that the Creator, called the Original Being in essenceism, is the one who activated the space-time structure of the universe while being outside of it. This means that He is not present in it.

Third, the fact of the eternal and infinite existence of the Original Being remains independent of scientific research and discoveries, since they concern only the space-time of the universe. Logically, it can be assumed that the Original Being had to exist forever, although we have a problem with understanding infinity, eternity and phenomena beyond time and space. In addition, as a human civilization on planet Earth, we can be completely separate from the Original Being. We are left with the results of the creative act, that is, various forms of energy and matter, and the laws related to the principles of the existence of the universe that we describe and study. Essenceism suggests that one of His works, the planet Earth, is our home, although from this point of view we are a tiny speck in the infinite cosmos.

Fourth, in the present human civilization there has been a phenomenon contrary to the Creator's concept of evil. It is a kind of anti-reality or negative singularity that cannot have anything to do with the activities of the perfect Original Being. This phenomenon could have caused imperfect human beings to form their system of "anti-law", called civilization, contrary to His conception. So, contrary to the teaching of most religious denominations, it can be said that God does not know our reality, that is, evil. Moreover, essenceism claims that it cannot know it. So, He cannot be in a structure where evil exists. Its reality, which we have not known to the main extent, is a set of laws and principles shaped for us, which essenceism called Providence. In his conception, their introduction is necessary to bring everything that he created to perfection. Without this knowledge, we feel in the dark. Therefore, my system in many places shows the content of moral laws and principles operating in the reality created by the Original Being. At the same time, essenceism suggests that our state of affairs largely prevents us from understanding His reality.

Fifth, our understanding of the Original Being is essential to restoring human civilization to the state envisioned by Him. It is a job for all mankind, not for Him. Only the action of people in the form of individual efforts of many of us, supported also by angels, can lead to the birth of the Guide of humanity, i.e. the Savior, on Earth. It is He who, having obtained the position of the Son of God, will be able to be the driving force of salvation. Humanity has already missed such an opportunity two thousand years ago in the time of Jesus Christ. This error must therefore be fixed, although it will now be more difficult than before. Essenceism sees in this task a special role of people involved in the repair of the world. It is about people who fully follow Jesus. Essenceism proposes to call them globetrotters.


Chapter 2

Progress of science and search for eternity

Until fifty years ago, no one knew enough of the state of the cosmos to speak of the existence of Earth-like planets. If it was written about it, it was only in science-fiction novels, and in a way very far from reality. Tales of green men reigned, aliens with weird looks and aliens threatening our civilization. Most people took these stories as a fantasy that was unscientific.

Since the second half of the twentieth century, thanks to new telescopes placed in space, there has been a breakthrough in knowledge about the structure of the universe. This was mainly due to the astrophysics. The significant development of quantum physics also made a significant contribution to the understanding of energy changes in the cosmos. The world of science has suddenly received sufficient tools to make us realize that the universe once arose and that it is an unimaginable space made up of billions of galaxies accompanied by dark matter and dark energy. Larger and larger new generation telescopes and space probes have enabled scientists to explore the universe deeper. In the late twentieth century, the Kepler telescope was sent into space, which caused a rapid influx of data on the state of outer space. The global arms race, which also began to embrace space, had an impact on the progress of knowledge. There began a flood of discoveries of millions, even billions of planets, called exoplanets, or Earth-like. Along with these discoveries, there were many speculations about the possibilities of living in space.

As a result of these discoveries and intensive analysis of their results, scientists realized that we are almost invisible pollen in space, even on the scale of the galaxy known as the Milky Way. It was especially it who became the object of large-scale observation and research. It resulted in understanding many things that we had not known before. Today we know that the Milky Way itself may have eleven billion exoplanets associated with two hundred billion stars. Taking into account the so-called red dwarfs, i.e. stars much lower in brightness than the ordinary star, the number of planets that can be classified as exoplanets has increased to thirty-three billion, a number that exceeds any previous image of space. Even if these data are approximate, their enormity is shocking. The "reserves" of space appear to be inorganic. This fact makes many people reflect on the importance of the existence of the structure of the cosmos.

The problem of the existence of other extraterrestrial civilizations has become the subject of essenceism in the search for the possibility of repairing our civilization. Currently, some scientists are of the opinion that if somewhere in the universe there would be a civilization of intelligent beings, then probably people similar to us should live there. The course of evolution based on the laws of physics, chemistry and biology, the widespread operation of which has been noticed as a result of studies of gases and minerals found in the universe, would make those civilizations similar to ours. For example, fish living in the waters of other planets would be the same as ours. The same is true of all nature, including humans.

As a result of these discoveries, there is a desire to get into a rocket carrying a suitable spacecraft and investigate whether there is a civilization similar to ours somewhere in the cosmos. It is the closest object in our galaxy that promises some hopes for finding life is a group of stars and planets called Kepler 62. However, I would like to inform you that a trip there by the most modern spacecraft would take 200,000 years, which is much longer than the known duration of the mainstream of our civilization. Let's forget about this type of travel and be content with the information that reaches us at the speed of light.

For now, it is worth noting that the probability of intelligent life somewhere in the universe is quite real and that there may be many such places. The calculus of probability shows that only in our galaxy can there be planets on which intelligent beings could live. That is why science so intensively studies the cosmos, using the best equipment and the knowledge of the most talented astronomers. If we add to this the study of the state of energy and matter in hadron colliders, we can hope that soon we will better understand the processes that influenced the formation of the cosmos. It is about knowing the moment of its creation, up to the moment of the appearance of an intelligent being, which is a man. I would like to add that the above analysis of the state of the cosmos is aimed at finding out the answer to the question of whether the universe was created by itself or whether it has its creator. Therefore, I hope that the world will soon circulate the information that not only are we not alone in the universe, but also that we have discovered the secret of its creation.



Chapter 3

Essenceism and the vision of the universe

Essenceism tries to describe the beginning of the universe, taking into account both the latest scientific discoveries and its latest theory of creationism. In both cases, it starts from a state in which everything began in a process unimaginable to us. Science is making various hypotheses on this point. Some astrophysicists believe that space-time arose from the original singularity, and others from the transformation of quantum space-time, perhaps resulting from the collapse of the previous universe. Thus, some believe that the universe arose out of nothing, and others that it is just another form of infinitely transforming universes.

Essenceism has a hypothesis about it. He claims that this phenomenon most likely comes from the "inside" of the sphere beyond time and space. This sphere is too difficult to study with current scientific methods because it is not directly related to the space-time of the universe. However, it is a coherent solution to the puzzle of the origin of the universe.

Beginning in the first half of the 20th century, science used the latest technology to investigate the origins of the cosmos. She noticed that first there was some peculiar impulse that started the phenomenon called the Big Bang. It was a great discovery comparable to the discovery of the DNA code. The analysis of the very beginning of the existence of the cosmos continues to this day, and although science often "flexes its muscles", proclaiming that it has understood this initial peculiarity, modesty requires refraining from euphoria.

Both the point of view of science and essenceism predict that the phenomenon under study was a sudden emergence of a new reality. According to science, the so-called cosmological inflation caused the expansion of the elusive state of reality carrying with it all the energy of the universe, that is, the ordinary and the dark. This happened at a speed much greater than that of light and in a time that was different from the current passage of light. There has been a stretching of its course, which should be called temporary inflation. Therefore, it is worth understanding this event well. Since space was expanding at a speed much faster than the speed of light, time, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, passed so much slower, or actually almost stood still. In this state, from a single point called the singularity, the fundamental form of the universe was suddenly born. This is how scientists explain the vision of the Big Bang they describe. From their point of view, it was an incredibly rapid expansion of an unknown "environment". It could indeed look as if something suddenly arose out of nothing. No wonder then that the fact of the Big Bang is still beyond scientific research possibilities. Essenceism confirms that it was an event that exceeded the hitherto image of mankind about the creation of the universe. It was even described as a kind of explosion, which gave it its popular name: Big Bang.

According to essenceism, we have a process before us to investigate that began in complete darkness. They symbolize a state beyond time and space that eludes all research instruments at the disposal of science. This is how it looks graphically:


In an unimaginably short time in the form of a Big Bang, this state turned into:

Image_Big Bang

My system explores the state beyond time and space from the very beginning. For its part, it wants to relieve science, as it can only deal with phenomena happening in the space-time of the universe. Thus, essenceism without conflict with the results of scientific research claims that at some point from one point, which was a "window" between two states of reality, the process of creating the universe took place. Figuratively this initial state can also be imagined as an impenetrable "curtain" separating the sphere beyond time and space from the space-time of the emerging cosmos. This means that on the "causal" side of this "curtain" we have a sphere beyond time and space, and on the "effect" side of the forming universe. The fact that the above-mentioned singularity appears can be compared to the "keyhole" in the "gate" between the sphere beyond time and space presented by essenceism and the space-time of the universe. his "window" or this "keyhole" is precisely that mysterious passage to the new reality, deserving the name of singularity. This transition must have recreated an already existing source of energy, because everything that exists in the universe was made of energy. Here there is a fundamental difference between the theory of essenceism and purely scientific theories. Most scientists still claim that the universe arose from nothing, while essenceism represents the Source of Energy from the First Cause. This is why my system puts forward a thesis about the initial primary energy coming from the Original Being. At the same time, this transition took place according to specific laws of physics, both ordinary and quantum. So these laws must have existed before. Essenceism claims that their source, as in the case of primary energy, is also the Original Being existing in the sphere beyond time and space. It can therefore be said that through the infinitely small "isthmus" (singularity) the Creator poured into the forming space-time all the energy necessary for the creation of the universe.

In this regard, the great world religions such as Christianity and Islam have a simple message that behind the creation of all things is God, whom they give different names, such as Heavenly Father, Allah, or simply the Creator. Also, essenceism points to Intelligent Cause, that is, the Original Being, as the source of the universe's existence. However, according to my system, the course of the creation of the universe before and at the time of the appearance of the singularity should not be an act of faith, but knowledge that does not conflict with science.

Essenceism, unlike science, assumes the existence of a First Cause associated with the source sphere beyond time and space. Therefore, the goal of my system is to introduce knowledge about its necessary participation in the creation of the universe. This means that before the moment of the Big Bang it takes into account the existence of its source, and the one that existed from the infinitely retrograde past. In other words, it means that the universe has its Creator, or actually emerged from Him. This is because, according to essenceism, the Original Being fills the whole state beyond time and space, and His primary energy and laws are integrated with Him, creating unity with His Personality.

Essenceism, despite a different explanation of the origin of our reality, does not come into conflict with science, which for objective reasons defines the Big Bang phenomenon as something that could have arisen by itself. Simply, scientists cannot consider the determination that the universe has a Creator. They still do not have the appropriate research instruments to determine whether this phenomenon happened by itself or was caused by the activity of Intelligent First Cause. Even more so, they are not able to investigate whether the possible Creator acted with a specific plan for His work. There is a fundamental difference between the interpretation of essenceism and the scientific one. Unfortunately, the teaching of science that the universe arose from itself resembles this attitude to religious faith in which God performed a miracle and created the existing state of all things out of nothing. Meanwhile, essenceism invariably claims that the Original Being shaped the space-time of the universe according to Its attributes from Himself. In other words, He did it from His primordial energy formed by the laws inherent in Him, and more precisely thanks to His Intelligence, Will and Emotionality, which are the source of these Laws.

Summarizing the above, it should be stated that during the Big Bang an extraordinary time-extension related to the gigantic expansion of space took place. In the Big Bang so defined, we had to deal with the appearance of primeval energy and the accompanying laws that governed it. The laws quoted here and the "material" in the form of primary energy could not, according to essenceism, appear out of nowhere. Everything indicates that they were attributes of the Original Being. I am talking about it now, while explaining the formation of the universe, because I do not agree with the "physical" description of the formation of the universe. Trying to reconcile both concepts, we can associate the primary energy at the disposal of the Original Being with all energy of the universe, including dark energy and dark matter. To this should be added the source laws derived from the aforementioned Original Being with the laws of physics, both quantum and classical, and the principles of theoretical astrophysics.

We still have a choice whether the universe was created by chance or as a deliberate work of the Original Being. In the latter concept, a man appeared as the final act of His work, who still judges what happened at the beginning.

For now, our present knowledge does not give a clear answer both to the accidental emergence of the universe and to the planned operation of the Original Being. Then we have a choice:

It is:


or this:

1. big-bang_2a_Architect ENG




Essenceism -


"Essenceism 1 - God is not from this world" (scientific understanding of God)

"Essenceism 2 - We are from this world" (understanding of man towards God)

"Essenceism 3 - Evil is from this world" (understaning of evil)

"Essenceism 4 – Vision not from this world" (understanding of salvation)

"Essenceism 5 – Eternity is not from this world"(understanding of eternity)

Autor Essenceizm

analytical system of understanding the existence of God, the spiritual world and man's eternity

Author - Janusz Mazur