Chapter 31

My Vision of All Things

My vision of all things means a willingness to logically understand everything that surrounds us. And there is a lot of it. It is not only what we see around us, although of course one must know our Earth and understand its existence in the Solar System.  I want to go much further and deeper. As part of my study, I enter into the entire infinite universe called the cosmos and the microscopic world of extremely small portions of matter and energy. However, this is not the end. There is much more than just visible surroundings. There is something that we just guess, what we do not see or what we only feel. For example, our dreams, thoughts and imagination. They are not physical reality. They are peculiarities.  In that case, do they belong to a different reality, called the spiritual sphere or the spiritual world? I say yes.

More and more courageous space explorers surprise us with the information that there is not only our cosmos, but there may still be other universes. Although we know so little about ours and are still researching it, we listen to the voice of scientists and we wonder if they are right. I do not want to deny them, while presenting my vision of all things, I emphasize the existence of not only this one physical universe, but also another, non-physical, called spiritual.  This invisible sphere coexists with the physical sphere, although it is beyond time and space and functions according to other laws and principles.  In my study, I would like to find answers to the questions about whether we are surrounded by only physical, biological, chemical laws, etc., or whether we can also indicate specific laws and spiritual principles functioning in an extraphysical universe.

Perhaps it is time to incorporate the broadly understood science into the fullness of reality, this physical and spiritual reality.

Science offers the most comprehensive and reasonably objective description of our reality.  Mathematics is the most perfect of sciences. After that, physics is just right, which is treated as the most complete exact science. Actually, physicists have created mathematics to have a tool for describing reality.

Researchers agree that it is not them who create the laws of physics, they only discover them, just as Archimedes, who jumped naked from the bath when he discovered the law of buoyancy.

It would seem, then, that classical Newtonian physics presents us with the correct image of the universe. However, this view was partially weakened as a result of the emergence of two "new physicists" in the 20th century. The first is modern theoretical astrophysics, which only to a certain extent originates from astronomy known for centuries. The second is quantum physics. It is precisely that which has clearly demonstrated the inability to apply the laws of classical physics to the functioning of the smallest elements of matter and very small portions of energy, especially when using the highest velocities. What is so new in both of these branches of physics?

Well, there was a necessity in them called an observer. This observer turns out to be indispensable in research on phenomena covering a range in which typical laws of physics no longer work. While in classical physics the possible observer has only passive meaning, limited to making measurements and acceptance of the existing state of matter and energy, in the astrophysics and quantum physics the observer becomes an active participant in events affecting the results of measurements and assessment of the actual state.

The phenomena perceived in the field of quantum physics give rise to the hypothesis about the possibility of creative human participation in events occurring on the border of space-time and the sphere beyond time and space. The practically observer (human) can decide which of the states of matter or energy is currently valid.

One can also try to extend the decision-making of the observer in relation to hard-to-know or indeterminate phenomena, such as dark energy, black holes or gravitational waves that theoretical astrophysics deals with.  However, then we notice that they are for us "high thresholds". Rather, it is necessary to look for the proper Active Observer, who thanks to the inability of man to convert energy into matter, can decide about various phenomena in space, including the implied participation in the expansion of the universe. Such thinking resulted in the establishment of fundamental assumptions of this study.


Chapter 32


Objective vision of God

(True God or imaginary God)

Nowadays, atheism raises the question of whether we are dealing with a real God or an imaginary one. Or maybe this "my", Original Being, is also invented by me? Do I need to prove His existence?

I believe that God has no need to defend against people. He is above everything. Nothing threatens us on our part. "My" Original Being was able to cope with the creation of an infinitely large cosmos, with the calling of life on our planet and the creation of our eternal spiritual person. We have a problem understanding all of this.

That's why we create some imaginary versions of God. Then we give Him a part, we praise Him and we surround Him with a huge amount of celebrations. Quite often "our God" does not accept others. We defend Him against them, even though these others claim that there is simply no God invented by us. In this way, we create artificial enemies among those who have their own opinions about His existence. People are still arguing around their imaginary religious ideas. Sometimes conflicts in this matter go to the world level, resulting in conflicts between nations and even religious wars. You can see what our ignorance or ill will can do. This is because faith in an imaginary God reigns in the teaching of religious denominations.

Most often, religions invent Him who watches over them constantly, is present at every moment of their lives and knows everything. Probably so that God could look after them and help them. This is how God's Providence and Divine Mercy, understood by them, works.

It is worth asking yourself whether Divine Providence is not simply the action of His laws and principles, that the world may come into being according to His concept, and that man was in His image and likeness? Can God's Mercy be simply a great love of the Creator to people? Maybe so great that when we enter into his world, He sees only good in us and does not see evil? Maybe His Mercy is that He does not know evil?

Essenceism says that people of our time should repair what was destroyed by the first people and taking care of them Archangel - the creator of evil. It is us who, having understood the current situation, should make this evil maker subordinate to us. Saints did this before the era and in our era. First of all Jesus Christ did it. Unfortunately, they did not have adequate support and cooperation on people’s part. That is why we still have a bad world. God cannot help us in the form of direct participation because He does not know evil and did not create our civilization. However, His laws and our open mind can allow us to recognize the returning Savior, that is, the Son of God necessary to carry out the renewal of humanity.

For the majority of followers of various religions, such a direct ailing and waiting, until we deal with everything, is unacceptable. Most often, they imagine Him acting directly for the restoration of His Kingdom. At the same time, these confessions urge us to fulfill various conditions supposedly coming from God and guaranteeing His help. Dozens of orders and prohibitions, numerous rites, sacrifices for the cause, even at the cost of living, supposedly have a source in the Will of God.

However, this is not so, because all these conditions were invented by people who created these religions and set the rules for followers. Especially the punishment for sins, imposed on followers, cannot have anything to do with the God’s Will. This is because after the spiritual death of His children in the Garden of Eden, Heavenly Father certainly feels their lack or kind of deep loneliness, although this understanding is beyond my imagination. Many religions rightly believe that in the Garden of Eden, Satan has separated people from the Creator, has mastered them, and henceforth makes them do evil. At the same time, these religions believe that God punishes us for the sins resulting from this situation. Such thinking is wrong and very unjust because it impairs God through the effects of Satan's actions. That is why scaring such "righteous" God and sentenced by Him punishments is harmful to Him. I am guessing that such inappropriate views result from the inability to understand the point of view of Heavenly Father.

The Creator is the Absolute Being, that is, independent of nothing and nobody the Original Being. It is simply an "unconditional" God. He has established his perfect rights once and for all and cannot change them. He cannot set new requirements and conditions for His children, because otherwise He would have to be an imperfect God, means who makes mistakes. However, it is not. He does not correct himself. In the Garden of Eden, He showed us the path to perfection as our way of life. At that time everything was prepared for a man, appropriate laws and development process were shaped. The Creator no longer needs to add, correct or change anything, because He created a perfect concept of life for His children. Of course, He has always had this basic "interference" in human existence, which is each time a new spiritual person that we receive from Him at birth. For He wants us to live forever, just as He does. We, in turn, are to bring to perfection our inner personality, and then He will welcome us in His Kingdom. In our inner spiritual person, the memory of our origin remained. Most often it manifests itself in the form of remorse or in prayer, especially in the most extreme situations, for example, just before death.

In the realm beyond time and space the Original Being, our Heavenly Father, awaits us. This is the true, dear and beloved Father who knows no evil and will be happier when we finally reach him. Really, do not be afraid!


Chapter 33

Warning against the degradation of religion

Religion is a set of concepts aimed at spreading faith in variously understood God, faith in the existence of supernatural phenomena, including life in an afterlife, and teachings about proper conduct. These are just some of the tasks that make up this area of ​​life.

Religions most often determine that God's supremacy over humanity exists. I do not list here all the functions of religion, because this is not the purpose of this study. However, I hope that their founders, from ancient times to the present, have been guided by the goal of bringing humanity to fulfill their most beautiful dreams of a perfect world.

In both parts of Essenceism books, I carried out a thorough analysis of the fact of the origin and existence of religion. Now I will deal with the effects of its existence and the adverse phenomena that result from it.

Essenceism in the first place seeks to answer the basic group of "religious" questions, that is: who God is, what He is and where He is. In so doing, it noted that these main questions are not in the center of attention of most religions. Of course, they bestow "their" God with the appropriate features, but most often aimed at the cultic needs of worship. They lack a general approach, that is to say objective for all humanity. They create visions of God's clan, tribal or local God. Only the biggest of them have ambitions that go beyond the local circle, but also, when they encounter other visions of God, they dig in their positions, defending the inviolability of their principles of faith. This results in a dogmatic approach to all of their teaching, often very backward to the achievements of science or even denying it. This is where I see the first reason for the degradation of the idea of ​​religion.

Religion should be meant for people living in the current developing world, thinking in terms of modernity and wanting to implement the latest achievements of human thought. Standing in opposition to civilization development, pushes religion to the margins of life and creates a superstition team. The first example here is Moses, who directed his religious message to contemporary people. Keeping his teachings unchanged and using his language through Judaism led to the freezing of religious knowledge of the nation of Israel at the level of antiquity. No wonder that such shaped Judaism participants persecuted the prophets and eventually murdered Jesus himself. Worse still, they continue in their ancient world and wait for the promised Messiah. Similarly, although much later, the effect of Muhammad's activity in the form of the current teaching of Islam should be assessed. The implementation of his ideas in the following centuries resulted in numerous wars and acts of genocide. To this day, Islam is one of the most backward religions in the world. Many of the Koran's recommendations are completely detached from the realities of current civilization.

Christianity, too, is not a special exception in this regard. Although one of his driving forces was Saint Paul, his approach to modern teaching was quickly forgotten. The Great Reformation, followed by further reforms, helped decaying Christianity to adapt its teaching a bit better to the needs of the modern world. However, today you can see a huge regress in Christian science, because most of its elements are still stuck in the Middle Ages. The so-called Christian values, which essenceism mentions in the chapter on the idea of ​​morality, are only instrumental in nature. They are not implemented by political groups that appear as Christian or social organizations. Christian slogans are used only as a mechanism to gain power, and thus lie to their voters. This results in another mechanism of religion degradation in the form of a significant social destruction of the foundation of morality.

Religions also vigorously engaged in destroying those who thought differently from them. The Inquisition, combating so-called heretics or false messiahs particularly deprecated large religious denominations.

In my opinion, the most degraded religion of her marriage with politics, both in ancient and modern times. Religions almost always stood alongside the rulers, they identified with the ruling mainstream of politics, also in the developing democracy. Looking back, it is worth noting that the combination of interests of religious and political leaders led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

On the example of Christianity, it can be seen that the structure of religious institutions is usually of authoritarian character, because they are dominated by undemocratic structures. For this reason, many of them become a symbol of backwardness, orthodoxy, and even the exploitation of its members, which is the subject of criticism of liberal societies.

For now, in our times, you can still see a very harsh criticism of the actions of various religious denominations, but slowly comes to the knowledge that religion is now less and less needed by humanity. In the 21st century, the inability to keep up with the development of science through religions led to a huge decline in faith in God. The authority of the various "gods" proclaimed by particular religions has also decreased. These gods have lived to be called imaginary gods, which people are less and less concerned about. The degradation of religion, however, continues. There have been criminal offenses, starting from fraternization to bloody regimes and to pedophilia ending.

It is to be hoped that the degradation of religion will not serve the ill righteous God, whom Essenceism calls the Original Being. If He really exists, then human activities can not harm Him. The degradation of religion is the most striking of man himself. According to essenceism, religion is an essential field of life in the world we have today. It is a world incompatible with the well-understood concept of Original Being. This concept was destroyed by people led by an "anti-god teacher". By the way, the lack of faith in the personal source of evil, with the simultaneous belief in the personal source of good, also leads to the degradation of religion. Religion should first and foremost clearly demonstrate the personal source of evil and its impact on people. Repairing the world is a task for us, because it is our place of living. In contrast to people, God does not know the evil world, which I explained in many of my texts. Without an effective work of religion, it will be impossible to know the method of salvation, which is an indispensable element of the future of humanity.

The goal of essenceism is not the salvation of the world. It can only be done by someone who will be able to duel with Satan and have enough power to overcome him. Such a person can only be the Son of God, a man without original sin, just like Adam from the Garden of Eden before falling. Such a person was already among us two thousand years ago and still accompanies us in the spiritual world. It is Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, people at that time were not sufficiently prepared to receive their Savior and not only did they not help Him, but they rejected Him, and thus helped His adversary, Satan. The chosen nation who professes religion, which we call Judaism today, led to the crucifixion of the One who could free humanity from Satan, that is, save all people. It was the largest degradation of religion ever. The role of religion at that time was to prepare people for the coming of the Messiah. This is also the current role of all religions.

The salvation of the world can only be achieved with the help of existing religions. I, as a single person, can only inform people and help me understand the current situation. "My" essenceism explains that the Creator once showed a well-designed scenario of human history. It is about bringing into being the first man who should become the Son of God and the first woman who should become the Daughter of God. It must have been the only possible idea for the creation of a good world for humanity. Unfortunately, two thousand years ago people did not understand this idea and they already crucified the Son of God who was staying among them. In this way they prevented him from rebirth of the daughter of God, repeating the mistake of the Garden of Eden.

The religion is needed for the next introduction of the idea of ​​a good world. It cannot be replaced by science, culture, economy or politics. Therefore, it is necessary to renew religion as an equal partner for science. Thanks to their joint efforts, there is a chance to prepare the present world for the introduction of a concept from the Creator. Essenceism proposes that the latest achievements of science be included in the teaching of religion. Knowledge of the existence of the Original Being and the eternity of human life should be at the same level as the knowledge of the laws of nature. This could make religion one of the main areas of our civilization.



Chapter 34

My message of hope for the desperate

With this study, I would like to open up hope for the restoration of goodness in our civilization. It means a state of happiness, stability in life and inner peace. However, for this to be a lasting hope, it should not be supported by faith, but by knowledge, preferably one provided by science. After all, it is not only about fully understanding the causes of evil, but also about eliminating it, so that only the good remains.

For these reasons, my system focuses on science. It creates hope for learning the truth about ourselves, a truth that will not be destroyed by the action of politics, the calculation of stagnant social interests, and especially by religious restrictions. It is known that science has long ago started an adventure focused on searching for the beginning of the universe, the existence of life and the appearance of an intelligent and spiritual man. In fact, science was looking for the First Cause, which we associate with the Creator, associated unambiguously with God.

When scientists start research, they are first guided by imagination, intuition and, of course, rational thinking. Therefore, in order to apply scientific methods in essenceism and adapt them to the research that theology usually deals with, I decided to be guided primarily by my imagination, intuition and rational thinking.

In my system, I collect this knowledge that allows me to understand the origin of the universe, the emergence of human life and activity, including myself. Ideally, I should gather all the knowledge discovered by classical physics, quantum physics and theoretical astrophysics. For now, some of this knowledge allowed me to initially understand the Original Being, the one that should initiate the creation of the universe, life and appearance in this environment of man. In the next steps, he examines His work in other fields of study.


So I pay a "visit" to the Creator, first in His "environment". With my imagination, I enter His realm to see what is happening beyond time and space. This means that my thoughts leave the spacetime of the universe and go where there is no dimensional space and time does not flow. My system of essenceism suggests that this eternal and infinite realm is completely filled with His Energy and the state of His Personality. He "lives" in it, penetrates with Himself and also lets us know about Himself through His Heart - the Center of His Personality, or what I can understand. Everywhere in this space there is the presence of His Personality, which I feel as omniscience, goodness and love.

Through the content of essenceism, I would like everyone to be aware that the universe comes from its Creator, so that each of us can experience only good. It is our true state in which true love comes from Him.

So my essenceism system would like to bring hope to the lives of people, especially those who are desperate for humanity, to the lives of those with lost faith in everything and everyone, those pessimists who think that there is no hope for us anymore and that it will always be as we see it around oneself



Essenceism -


"Essenceism 1 - God is not from this world" (scientific understanding of God)

"Essenceism 2 - We are from this world" (understanding of man towards God)

"Essenceism 3 - Evil is from this world" (understaning of evil)

"Essenceism 4 – Vision not from this world" (understanding of salvation)

"Essenceism 5 – Eternity is not from this world"(understanding of eternity)

Autor Essenceizm

analytical system of understanding the existence of God, the spiritual world and man's eternity

Author - Janusz Mazur