Review the chapters below:

Chapter 16. The assumptions and thesis of essenceism

Chapter 17. The goals of essenceism

Chapter 18. What is not essenceism?

Chapter 19. The beginning of mankind

Chapter 16

The assumptions and thesis of essenceism

I assume, according to the concept of this study, that the First Cause had to be certain at first, and not an indefinite nothingness. I also assume that this initial state supplemented the presence of elements of intelligence, will and emotionality in it. I deduced this on the basis of "wisdom" and the coherence of all the laws of nature that surround us. Here I come to the attributes of the First Cause, which I treat as the Creator and I call Him the Original Being. From that moment I am beginning to talk about His Elemental Intelligence, Will and Emotionality, which I identify with His Knowledge, Goodness and Love.

I base my claim on the observation of human personality. I sense that we have inherited in our primordial nature the basic attributes of the God’s Personality, that is, His Intelligence, Will and Emotionality. Because of them, we need love, the need for knowledge and understanding of the universe, and the need for purposefulness and sense of all activities. Only this understanding, at least partially, will allow us to know the attributes of God, which I will define below in the form of specific Principles.

At my present level of understanding of God, I assume that His Personality is emerging from His Heart, which is the Center, the Source and the Cause of God's activity. In the "orbit" of this Heart, I imagine the existence of the fundamental attributes of the Creator. This means that we are dealing with the Absolute Intelligence, from which the Universe is derived, with the Absolute Will from which the Good and with the Absolute Emotionality from which the Love originates. In the Divine Personality we are following, they reveal themselves through the action of Omniscience leading to Development, the action of Good leading to Perfection and the action of Love leading to Unity and Beauty. According to my hypothesis, which I present here, these fundamental qualities have contributed to the emergence of all rules and laws that we know in the entire universe. It must be understood, however, that all of these qualities are a harmonized Unity. They are not separate and independent from each other inherent in the Personality of the Original Being. Such a distinction is needed only for our analytical way of thinking leading to a better understanding of the First Cause.

Chapter 17

The goals of essenceism

The first goal of essenceism is to extend knowledge about God. Without insulting anyone, unfortunately, we must say that knowledge about Him is at a similar level as knowledge about the universe, i.e. negligible. This means that understanding the vastness of the universe and the essence of God is still vestigial. In that case, it is worth contributing to changing this situation.

World religions create huge organizational structures. They do this so that faith in the existence of God, the spiritual world or post-mortem life can lead to the cult of the God they present. They focus on teaching and ceremonies that provide people with the fulfillment of their dreams of eternal happiness.

Unfortunately, in order to ensure a good and safe existence in a future life, humanity maintains a large number of clergymen, innumerable organizations and centers of worship. People often tend to fear for their spiritual future, not wanting to go to eternal hell after death. It is a pity that most of us are content to grope, without the will to know the part of life that is going to last forever.

It looks like our spiritual security is as important as physical. In the meantime, one can imagine the knowledge of all this unacceptable cult activities that make us weak beings at the mercy of different gods.

In order to remedy this, essenceism proposes first a transparent understanding of who God is, where He is and how it is to our possible existence in the next spiritual life. In that case, essenceism tries to create a security system from the beginning, let's call it spiritual, parallel to "physical" security systems.

We protect our physical lives, health, places of residence, state structures and many other things using security systems. They are to provide us with a safe and peaceful development of our civilization. However, these systems cannot provide us with security regarding another plane of life, or spiritual life. For example, even the best "physical" systems will not protect us from the effects of such events as personal unhappiness, betrayal of a loved one or the will to take their own lives. Also religions, despite the creation of a large number of orders and prohibitions, for hundreds of years are not able to protect us from the effects of evil. It can only sweeten our suffering with the help of numerous promises of future eternal happiness.

Therefore, following the example of knowledge about the "earthly" security system, there should also be knowledge about the proper "heavenly" security system. It should be based on two main pillars discussed in this study. The first pillar is that each of us has an eternal spiritual person, and the second is that for the existence of mankind stands an absolutely good Creator, eternal as we are and not knowing evil. It is enough in this case that we understand and apply these two pillars in a rational way, and we will gain tremendous progress regarding the security of our future life. This state should not result from faith, but from specific knowledge combined with the certainty that it really is. It is about the same level of certainty within the framework of the spiritual laws that we have under the laws of mathematics, physics and biology. Then we will only have to understand the mechanisms of evil in our civilization, because it only threatens our security. This, in turn, will help us completely eliminate them. Only this can end our eternal worry about the various uncertainties of our lives. This will help us focus first of all on getting ready for our eternal future.

The easiest way would be for science to fully prove the existence of the Creator of the universe and eternal personality in man. In this way, humanity would have a clear purpose before us, which is to bring our world back to the original state foreseen by the Creator.

Chapter 18

What is not the essenceism?

Essenceism is not deism, for the Creator maintains an all-time bond with the developing universe through His laws. They function not only in matter and in various forms of energy, but also in the form of His Providence. In addition, through the qualities of His Personality by essenceism in this study, He maintains a direct relationship with the center of the human personality, that is, with our heart. Essenceism tries to show that God, as the Heavenly Father, participates in the birth of every human being. For now, it can be considered as His only direct participation in the phenomena of our world. However, the proper, indirect participation of God consists in the constant appearance in the history of people trying to "replace" His direct action (e.g., prophets, saints, the Messiah, and other people of great faith). The main concept that differentiates essenceism from deism as well as from theism is God's Providence, understood by me as an action of laws and principles aimed at bringing everything, including people, to perfection. It should be added that the "carriers" of God’s Providence may be angels. Only in the case of such an understanding of Providence can one look for the partial similarity of essenceism to theism, though not deism. However, according to essenceism, the limitation of God's actions in our world does not result from His creative concept, but because of the occurrence of evil as a phenomenon arising from Him and separating Him from active participation in human civilization. It is a mistake of deism to abandon the full application of reason analysis and scientific experience, although this should be the assumption of this philosophical direction. Therefore, it did not significantly refine the concept of God, His work, the position of man towards the Creator and the fact of the existence of evil. It did not take advantage of the effects of the work of Jesus Christ, cutting itself off from a deeper, logical analysis of the phenomenon of salvation and revelation.

Essenceism is not theism, because theism does not take into account the faith that interacts with the achievements of science and human intellect in general. Theism treats in a dogmatic way the inability of man to know God. In the matter of God's activity, essenceism, in spite of theism, shows that our Creator does not know evil and does not participate directly in the life of the present world. Essenceism shows that actually God does not know the fallen world, does not observe him, does not analyze events on Earth, because he is not the creator of the present civilization. Particularly in these above statements, there is a polar difference in understanding the reality between the views of essenceism and theism. God's active presence among people - the domain of theism, is impossible in the light of the views expressed here. This conclusion results from a logical analysis of the state of our world made by essenceism. This means that Divine Providence confines itself to the action of originally established laws and principles that can be used to identify evil and to oppose it. It also means that it stimulates human activity to act for the sake of salvation. Because Divine Providence exists from the beginning and is immutable, it constantly directs human life to the goal of creation. According to essenceism, God is waiting on the "end station" for the result of His Providence. It serves, sometimes with the participation of angels, actively introducing His perfect and lasting rights and principles, leading to the perfection of people and our entire world.

Essenceism is not atheism, but its opposite. Atheists, like essenceism, use logical arguments. However, in contrast to essenceism, they try to negate the sense of faith in God in an aggressive way. Most often, they begin their attacks by pointing out the mistakes that people of faith commit, and by pointing out extreme cases of scandal caused by the immoral behavior of representatives of the clergy of different religions. They would like these arguments to show the non-existence of God. Unfortunately, such reasoning is incorrect because it does not apply to God Himself. Atheists treat science instrumentally, or as a tool to demonstrate the non-scientific nature of religion. For example, they return to outrageous allegations against the followers of the major religions who once thought that the Earth was flat and that the Sun was circling around it. These arguments are supposed to logically explain that God does not exist, the creators of religion are scammers and religion is opium for the people. At the same time, they are very happy to oppose the science of religion, which is completely contrary to the intentions of essenceism.

Essenceism has little to do with Buddhism, because it considers the Original Being as the source of all things. Essenceism clearly emphasizes the existence of substantial and personal evil. Meanwhile, Buddhism treats evil as suffering from which one can free himself by reaching the state of nirvana and obtaining self-enlightenment. Unlike Buddhism, Essenceism points to the Divine Providence mechanism that guides all humanity to the state of perfection originally foreseen by the Creator. Essenceism does not accept the Buddhist concept of reincarnation or any of its variations. On the other hand, he describes the phenomenon of the reappearance of spiritual people in cooperation with people currently living on Earth, that is, their passive presence in physical persons as well as their original spiritual persons.

Essenceism is not gnosis, because its knowledge derives from science and from researching all reality with scientific methods, not on the basis of secret spiritual knowledge. In contrast to gnosis, he treats man as the conscious subject of the universe, being to the God-Creator being in his image and likeness. In the view of Essenceism, human civilization comes from the Good First Cause called the Being of the Flesh, and our present state is the result of a fall, that is, a departure from the original concept of the Creator. The concept of the physical world in the analysis of human civilization refers to our Earth, which is the place of existence of evil. The creator has nothing to do with evil and is not responsible for it. In opposition to gnosis, essenceism claims that the struggle between good and evil is an area of ​​human life unintended by the Creator that affects our physical life. Therefore salvation consists in the return of humanity to the state originally foreseen by the Creator.

Essenceism is not pantheism, because it presents a personal God remaining in the sphere beyond time and space. He describes Him as the First Cause of specific and fundamental qualities such as Intelligence, Will and Sensitivity. Due to the creative concept and the developmental features of space-time, God cannot be identical with this realm. Essenceism proclaims that God can be defined by specific concepts and human imagination. The main attributes of God, that is, independence from nothing (absolute), perfection, eternity, omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience, can be described in a way that reaches our imagination, despite being associated with the sphere beyond time and space. In summary, God is not directly related to the space-time of the universe, because it is only a transformation of His Primary Energy into a physical form, and thus is not Himself.

Essentially, essenceism is not a religion. It is not a cult. It does not create any religion, because it is only a way to understand the present reality.

Essenceism is rather the opposite of the classical concept of religion, presenting a logical and scientific approach to the question of God's existence.

Chapter 19

The beginning of mankind

We know that science, describing the origins of humanity, shapes the image of the evolutionary transformation of great apes into the homo sapiens species. There are different dates of the appearance of the first ancestor of humanity, starting from several hundred thousand years, and ending with much closer to us period. There are also different methods of determining what the first ancestor should be and who can be considered the right individual deserving of this name. The easiest way to "blur" its beginning with the help of various hypotheses and theories, and then everyone will find something that will satisfy him. This is because science does not yet have a common criterion in this matter.  It's a bit weird that we cannot unanimously determine who a human really is. Meanwhile, looks are furred figures, a bit similar to a human being, which in hundreds of thousands of years have turned into a contemporary human race. Archaeological findings concerning individual individuals, such as Neanderthal or other hominids, are supposed to prove the evolutionary transformation of animal form into the form of modern man. These beings gradually formed homes, then larger buildings, and finally built whole cities.  When objects like the pyramids appeared, it became clear that we were dealing with a human being similar to us. Is this what really happened? Perhaps. There are various hypotheses, but no one has yet received full acceptance.

Religions, especially Christianity, create a completely different vision of the origins of humanity. Christian vision is based on the biblical story of the first two people, Adam and Eve.  According to it, God made a man from clay, or else from the dust of the earth, and then revived him with His "breath". Then, when he was sleeping, He took out a rib from him, so as to create a woman based on it. It turns out that such an image is sufficient for the vast majority of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Besides, similar stories existed in the oldest testimonies of ancient cultures, as well as in particular religions in various corners of the world.

The most surprising thing is the uncritical acceptance of the ancient history taking place in the Garden of Eden and talking about a couple of his young inhabitants strolling among the trees in a specially prepared environment for them. Unfortunately, I know that such a vision, lacking proper knowledge and imagination, does not raise any doubts in most adult people. I suggest, however, to think a bit analytically to correctly understand this most important period in the history of mankind.

I suppose that making clay from a human being is a metaphor marking the evolutionary formation of the human body by the Creator. It is about such an organism, for example, a humanoid that would be ready to accept the already mentioned "breath" from the Creator, or the beginning of a spiritual person.

Indeed, the Creator could use the chosen female womb of the most developed monkey species or even the female humanoid. At birth, such a newborn would have to receive a spiritual person from the Creator, which would be the proper creation of "Adam" and which would result in a completely different animal personality development. This is not about the fact that a newborn baby could be kept alive by a female animal, which has already been noted by science, but about the creation of a spiritual person from the Creator within the biological organism.

From that moment, the biological and mental development of newborns, i.e. the supposed Adam and Eve, ran completely differently than the animal ones. The creator could not entrust their upbringing to animals, because He meant His children. He created angels, whose aim was precisely to bring to perfection his children and accompany them for eternity as servants. Hence in the Garden of Eden the presence of angels, and above all the main educator of Adam and Eve, the wisest among the archangels, Lucifer. Nothing could happen by accident, because everything resulted from the decision of the perfect Creator. This also concerned the Archangel and other angels. There also happened later events called the fall of people and, in my opinion, the fall with them Archangel Lucifer.

How, then, reconcile the scientific and religious version? I suppose that if it does not "penetrate" into the personality of a human being or look behind the "Big Bang" curtain, there will be no chance to fully understand the most important puzzles tormenting humanity, the origin of the universe, the source of life and eternity in man.

Taking an example from scientists who mathematically determined the Big Bang moment, you can calculate approximately when the first pair of people on Earth were to be considered as our ancestors. It is enough to describe the algebraic function (for example a parabola) of the growth of the number of people living from the earliest times to the present. For their level of intelligence, one can take the average between Gilgamesh's reason, the everyday wisdom of ancient Greeks and the resourcefulness of modern high school students. Placed on the time coordinate, the starting point of this curve, which is the closest to zero, would allow to find with some approximation the period of appearance of people who would deserve this name.

From the religious side, the proper level of humanity is associated with the existence of an intelligent human couple able to discuss with the biblical Serpent about the ban on eating the fruit in the Garden of Eden. This conversation shows their proper level of humanity. It is not worth using any calculations if and when a "Neanderthal" became a modern man. It is worth setting the initial conditions for the first man and the first woman, who should be called Adam and Eve, and who could be treated as modern people. I believe that the phenomenon of the origin of the universe, the appearance of life in nature and the occurrence of eternity in a man should have an effect similar to the Big Bang. In my opinion, these three phenomena mentioned above have the character of a rapid realization in the form of an act of creation. It is easy to talk about the sudden rise of the universe on the Big Bang, but it is much harder to indicate the moment of recovery of matter, which began the development of living cells of plants and animals. Of course, I understand what evolution is all about. However, I came to the conclusion that the appearance of hereditary life in nature must have its source in the primary energy coming from the Creator. This means that at some point He "poured" His "breath" into the matter. I have written about the introduction of a spiritual person to a nascent physical person in the form of a creative act before and I will write about it in further chapters. In summary, I say that the biblical figures of Adam and Eve hide the first unique human individuals who received a "breath" from the Original Being in the form of a spiritual person.

I would like the above reasoning to open a common path for scholars and religious researchers. In the event that they learn the cause of the Big Bang and the origin of life, we will no longer stand helplessly in front of the "wall" separating the world of space-time from the world beyond time and space. Also for centuries, the spirituality recognized by religion indicates that in the case of appearance in nature, it is good to take into account not only scientific arguments, but also those derived from the sphere into which science does not yet have instrumental access.

See the next chapters on the next page:

Chapter 20. Man - the eternal being      << common link to chapters: 20 , 21 , 22

Chapter 21. Man and other spiritual beings    << common link to chapters: 20 , 21 , 22

Chapter 22. The true state of man        << common link to chapters: 20 , 21 , 22



Essenceism -


"Essenceism 1 - God is not from this world" (scientific understanding of God)

"Essenceism 2 - We are from this world" (understanding of man towards God)

"Essenceism 3 - Evil is from this world" (understaning of evil)

"Essenceism 4 – Vision not from this world" (understanding of salvation)

"Essenceism 5 – Eternity is not from this world"(understanding of eternity)

Autor Essenceizm

analytical system of understanding the existence of God, the spiritual world and man's eternity

Author - Janusz Mazur